Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Who knows what the heck? Elemental Arrows A popular part of the Yogbox modpack, Risugami's Elemental Arrows add a homing bow to your deadly arsenal, as well as many types of powerful arrows that grant you a mix of raw damage and utility. So, apologies in advance if you are still experiencing issues with the password system - it will be resolved when the new back end goes up on site. Grapevine reeds are a choice as well. Select all sorts of wildgrass options from the customizer, or not, as you wish. painterly pack 1.8.1

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There have been some improvements to make the customizer load a bit faster.

Home of The Minecraft Painterly Pack

Use the original Minecraft leaf painterky. There was also a substantial backend performance upgrade done by Scaevolus on the Customizer - everyone should notice it loading much faster now. I want olive cactus clusters as my desert shrubs. A variety of other flower choices exist to accent your gardens, too.

painterly pack 1.8.1

This time around you can look forward to: Pumpkins Because wheat-ley pumpkins just aren't enough, giant pumpkins are also here! Get the jump on everyone else making your costume by cutting out the middle steps! There's also some basic gold tools, if even those are too zesty for you. Mystic Minerals The last of the four resource sets from the Mystic Ores mod, this collection of items represent the various mineral odds-and-ends of the mystic mining spectrum, useable for a variety of purposes.

Alchemical Tools Many tools of the trade are required to become a proficient alchemist, and we've got you covered! Or, at least, your sheep. Thank you all, I couldn't have come this far without the support, donations, and word of mouth and overall great assistance from the community - you folk are all so great!

Today Painterly hitCustomizer downloads and nearlyvanilla pack downloads and so in celebration of this half-million milestone, I added a couple golden items for this special occasion - wild golden roses and toadstools to enrich your world's vegetation in a truly opulent manner. You can check them out HERE! Also added are a couple paingerly items for wolves and armor. We're working on solutions and should have something soon that will get everything working tip-top once again.

You can merge your customized Painterly with the one included in Yogbox by unzipping the painterly you download from here, and copying the files over top of the ones included in the Painterly found in Yogbox, and then using that pack.

painterly pack 1.8.1

There's even an LvK-created variant, so you can cycle your chuckles between patches. Now compatible with most popular biome-altering mods eg Extrabiomes XL! As a final bonus, enjoy some wild Roamins, too. For those who want something out of the ordinary, an option to find stone lanterns amoung the ruins of the world is there. Just remember - this texture inherits the pxinterly shaders of your grass choice, so if you try to use biome grass with non-biome wheatgrass, or vice-versa, they won't look right.


Loved by dwarves of Khaz Modan the world over, Jaffa Cakes are most definitely an option to replace those boring cookies. You guys are the best. Incorrect chest texture for painteroy storage chests. A moderately-sized update with a mix of often-requested items, a few suprises, and fills for gaps in options.

Painterly Resource Pack | Texture Packs

New MCPatcher compatibility options include biome shaders for pine, birch, swamp and swampgrass regions, as well as working custom lightmaps by Brae Ivy Growing in swamps and other wild places like an unending kudzu, ivy vines can spruce up a world, or turn it into overgrown ruined shambles. For all options except slime eggs, matching giant mushroom skins are provided to keep your mushrooming lovely and consistent.

Of course, in order to use these items, you will need Hogofwar's PeacefulPack, or the Amazopack. Obviously not everything pqck there, but it's getting more complete every update. Cookies are of course in jumbo chocolate chip style, but you can make them puny wimpy sized chocolate chip cookies, packk oreo-style, if you like.

Painterly Resource Pack 1.12.2

Your vials can be made into rounded potion palnterly, lab test tube vials, or super mario-style potion jars. You can preview the signs in the materials section, and the icon replacements for dyes and what they were designed for in the resources section.

Detectors feature similar technology and options, with a single gold rail acting as a detection switch, completing the circuit as a cart passes over it.

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