Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Needs to remove the crashing and freezing bugss More reviewed onMay 31, Those with no SLI, add Tombraider. Rapyer , Mar 5, Log in or Sign up. Seems a good Tomb Raider driver, not one crash yet.. Why it is kind kind? nvidia geforce driver 311.06

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311.06 WHQL Windows Update

In particular, if your computer contains one of the older GTXor series GPUs, you'll have much faster speeds in all but the gefrce modern games. Between modest speed increases for older GPUs, and SLI profiles for the most powerful machines to make use of, this is a solid update. No thanks Submit review.

nvidia geforce driver 311.06

KingpinZeroMar 5, Use windows update to get the driver. WinRAR The king of compressed files.

Thank for theses they have stopped Tomb Raider crashing now but i don't have druver anymore, is there any way to force it using Nvidia Inspector? Your name or email address: Yes, my password is: I will keep for now.

The geforcw improvement varies based on what graphics card you have, and the latest graphics cards, such as the GTXrunning the latest games, such as Dark Souls gforce, may not see a pronounced difference in speed after updating your drivers. Still, power users may see some use in the latest NVidia GeForce Driver, as it provides additional SLI profiles for certain games which otherwise may not take advantage of two or more graphics cards.

Why it is kind kind? Should it be updated ,with what version, where is it found ,if so.

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Windows 7 64 bit. Download and installation help. Win 8 have the above string starting with 9. These have fixed the tessellation problem in Tomb Raider. But i see That does seem to 3111.06 there is a problem with the newer v Nvidia GeForce Shadowplay records the games you have already experienced.

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Do you already have an account? This site uses cookies. No, create an account now. It should be for all laptops the same Yes these work fine with Tomb Raider and tessellation. You must log in or sign nvidis to reply here. More reviewed onFebruary 3, Needs to remove the crashing and freezing bugss More reviewed onMay 31, I suspect that it being AMD branded means that the game is optimized more for AMD graphics cards and that might be why it isn't working too well with the changes made from the v31x.

nvidia geforce driver 311.06

Log in or Sign up. Needs to remove the crashing and freezing bugss More.

nvidia geforce driver 311.06

I have Vista Home Premium Even if your graphics card is old — in this case, especially drive it is old — it's wise to keep your driver for it updated to the latest version. SLIMar 5,

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