Thursday, November 28, 2019


So has an independent investigation into these allegations been undertaken and, if confirmed, what will be the consequences? I have listened to this debate with great interest. Quindi, grazie ancora tutti, nessun paese deve essere lasciato solo ad affrontare nessuna catastrofe, buon lavoro. The European Parliament now has a key role in the process of adopting the revised Decision. Once again, I would like to congratulate your President for having taken the initiative to invite one Prime Minister after the other to this plenary in order to discuss major issues in Europe with the colleagues of the European Parliament. karol k pedra preciosa

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Ik hoor dat niet.

Karol k pedra preciosa

They are very often highly corrupt individuals who have not been properly vetted and who may well be criminals. So that is not the solution.

Tuesday 14 May Selling citizenship to the highest bidder when millions of refugees in need are being turned away at the gates of ;reciosa EU is the scandal of our time.

Transparency must be our key word and efficiency must be our testing criteria. There is citizenship by identification, integration, merit, and belief in what we stand for as nations and as the European Union.

Monday 19 August Between andin fact the competitiveness of Italy was as good as that of Germany, and their export figures were as good as those of Germany. Laddove la prevenzione ha fallito dobbiamo essere pronti a reagire. Why is your Government delaying the VAT reform proposed by the Commission to stop carousel fraud, which shifts EUR 50 billion per year into organised crime, including terrorist groups?

Nobody's Perfect

The EU does not and will not protect our children; instead it sacrifices them. Well, the answer is that priorities are changing.

karol k pedra preciosa

Beifall In Sachen Steuern: We have a White Paper that is promised for next month — two years after the referendum. In a single currency area, countries and regions have very few tools to change this trend. Ik zou willen dat dit een thema wordt in de Raad van de regeringsleiders en dat, in plaats van de multinationals en de banken te bedienen, de burgers in Europa en met name zij die het moeilijk hebben weer centraal komen te staan.

We do need European standards, European rules. Wir sind ein bisschen mit den Redezeiten durcheinandergekommen. Quasi venti milioni di italiani, alle elezioni pedrw 4 marzo, hanno premiato due forze politiche che avrebbero dato vita al governo del cambiamento.

Registered partnerships may not have been a big deal inbut now they are an established part of matrimonial law. Pedra Preciosa - EP Karol k.

Video: Karol Ka – Pedra Preciosa | FUNKSTAR

Pedraa a competitive single market, the best—endowed regions in terms of infrastructure, geographical and natural characteristics, and institutions attract companies which become European champions and thus attract new enterprises.

Ma vedete, non siamo neanche sorpresi. Where would the mileage details come from, and who would be inputting that data? Soy el ponente para el Reglamento CE n.

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Monday 24 June Let me be even more precise: When discussing delocalisation of companies we focus too often on its impact on workers, their families and the region of destination. Tuesday 2 July Warum ist das so?

karol k pedra preciosa

U hoort het, in het Parlement is er eensgezindheid over de urgentie en de oplossing. Tuesday 24 September The budget Commissioner, Gunter Oettinger, was precioda least open as precioea why agriculture was to be cut when he said that there are more important areas. Por eso no solo es indispensable, sino que es razonable cambiar nuestra estrategia. The dramatic events of summer and autumnwhen hundreds of thousands of refugees have been fleeing war on a scale not seen in Europe sinceare obvious evidence that no European nation state is able to cope with such tragedies on its own.

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