Saturday, November 23, 2019


It's your bus after all. First of you are making feature that we can open door of engine compartment and little doorson nose of the bus and as i can see you will make animations of engine parts. The mapping is awful. But to me it looks more like freeware bus that payware. I was searching for answer to this everywhere along time ago but i didn't found answer anywhere. Is that for bus line number? BTW good luck on finishing it. omsi skoda 21ab

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When i see the rubber around windows and door glasses of SD and O it looks like that i am looking at repainted part of body than the actual rubber. I skkoda searching for answer to this everywhere along time ago but i didn't found answer anywhere.

omsi skoda 21ab

But what is that white plate? Is that for bus line number? I wanted someone to make these buses. The bus Steyr got the name after the city with the same name Steyr in Austria omxi the company which made the bus had its factory. I am looking forward to the release date and cant wait for me to drive it. I searched for that mod but couldn't find it.

Omsi2 – Skoda 21Ab Bus Mod

I love the color of that ticket printer. Tatra this is great bus. I love these buses. And here is better picture of 21sb dashboard.

BTW good luck on finishing it. On your picture of Citaro here http: Where did you found the mod that puts the display on the back of the bus? Sorry, I don't understand what you mean, but currently I am not planning to do this version of the bus. Thanks for the reply. He means " Manual gear ". I think that by the look of the display it ekoda added separately but i am not sure. Can you explain to me about " 2ab " interior difference please? The mapping is awful.

Posts by DennisBr - Page 7 - Marcel's OMSI-Forum

There is window reflection besides mirror reflection. And remember when author of Skoda 21AB released the bus as payware? I dont mind of course but skida people from other forums wont be so happy like us here on OMSI forum. But i dont know how would other forums react when they see that you released this bus as payware.

omsi skoda 21ab

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Posts by DennisBr

I would love if you release this bus. Every old generation of buses no matter if it was city, suburban, intercity bus or coach didn't had bus stop brake. But to me it looks more like freeware bus that payware.

First of you are making feature that we can open door of engine compartment and little doorson nose of the bus and as i can see you will make animations of engine parts.

Is it Morphys mod or other mod? They won't be happy about this. I think that i read somewhere that some of them wanted to sue him.

I thought that there was only intercity variant with intercity seats. This made people from almost every forum angry saying that the bus textures aren't good, they aren't detailed and they were saying that he needed to ask Skoda for premission to release bus as payware, i read somewhere that he needed to buy blueprint etc.

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